New vs. Used Shipping Containers: Picking the Perfect Steel Box Online

Port Shipping Containers
3 min readMay 16, 2024

The unassuming shipping container has become a symbol of resourceful living and clever design. From backyard studios to pop-up shops, these rugged steel boxes are transforming our landscapes. But before you dive headfirst into the world of containerized living (or storage!), a crucial decision awaits: new vs. used. Both options offer advantages, and the best choice hinges on your specific needs and budget.

The Pristine Appeal of New Shipping Containers

Imagine a brand new box, factory fresh and gleaming with ocean-worthy paint. That’s the beauty of a new shipping container — it’s a blank canvas, perfect for those who prioritize aesthetics.


  • Impeccable Condition: Free of dents, scratches, and rust, a new container offers a watertight and secure environment.
  • Modifications Galore: The pristine surface makes it ideal for welding, painting, and other modifications — perfect for that dream container project.
  • Virgin Steel: New containers provide the ultimate in structural integrity, important for projects requiring maximum load-bearing capacity.
  • Financing Options: Some online retailers offer financing options for new containers, making them more accessible.


  • Price Point: New containers come at a premium. Be prepared to pay significantly more compared to used options.
  • Availability: Finding a specific size or type of new container online might require contacting multiple vendors.

The Rugged Charm of Used Shipping Containers

Used containers tell a story. They’ve braved the high seas and traveled the globe, carrying countless goods. While they might show some wear and tear, their functionality remains exceptional.


  • Budget-Friendly: Used containers offer significant cost savings compared to new ones.
  • Ready to Use: Most used containers are structurally sound and perfectly suitable for storage needs.
  • Variety of Grades: You can choose from various grades of “used,” from wind and watertight containers with cosmetic blemishes to heavily used containers ideal for off-grid projects.
  • Sustainable Choice: Giving a pre-loved container a second life reduces environmental impact.


  • Imperfections: Dents, scratches, and surface rust are common with used containers. They might require additional cleaning or painting before use.
  • Limited Modifications: Extensive welding on heavily used containers might be discouraged.
  • Availability of Specifics: Finding a specific size or pristine used container online might take more searching.

Making the Choice: Consider These Factors

Now that you understand the pros and cons of each option, here are some key factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Budget: New containers are a significant investment. Used containers offer substantial savings.
  • Condition Needs: Do you require a flawless exterior for a visible project? Or is functionality for storage your priority?
  • Modification Plans: Extensive welding is best suited for new containers. Used containers might have limitations.
  • Project Timeline: New containers might require searching for specific sizes online. Used containers offer wider online variety.
  • Sustainability: Choosing a used container reduces environmental impact.

Tips for Buying a Shipping Container Online

  • Shop around: Compare prices and grades offered by various online retailers.
  • Read the descriptions carefully: Look for details about the container’s condition, wind and watertightness, and CSC plate (certification).
  • Ask questions: Don’t hesitate to contact the seller for clarification on any aspect of the container.
  • Delivery considerations: Factor in delivery costs and any permits required for placing the container on your property.
  • Inspection upon arrival: Thoroughly inspect the container upon delivery to ensure it matches the online description.


Whether you choose a gleaming new container or a character-rich used one, you’re entering the exciting world of containerized possibilities. By carefully considering your needs and budget, you can find the perfect steel box to jumpstart your project. With a little online research and these helpful tips, you’ll be well on your way to transforming your space with the power of a shipping container.



Port Shipping Containers

Port Shipping Containers is one of Australia’s most respected shipping container companies, specialising in new, used And modified shipping container.